12 Free Photoshop Spray Splatter Brushes
Dimitar Tsankov has provided us with 12 high-quality free spray splatter brushes for Adobe Photoshop.
I have added these brushes to my own personal brush collection. They are great for applying special effects to photos, for use in abstract design, texturing and so much more.
I love splatter brushes, especially when they are free!
Although, I should probably stop playing around in Photoshop and get on with some work today ^_^
If you like these brushes make sure to check out Dimitar Tsankov's other design resources.
The download contains 1 zip file containing 1 Adobe brush file containing the 12 free splatter brushes. The included files are available for both commercial and personal use.
Download the files beneath the preview:

We would love to see your creations made using these brushes. Feel free to post a link in the comments to show off your project.